
This is the recording of our Vedic Astrology Club call which occurred on Saturday May 3, 2014. Thank you to all the participants and to Rani and Bhairavi, our guest speakers.

Lakshmi Goddess of Wealth, Beauty, Grace and Purity, Ruler of Venus

Call Recording: Lakshmi and Other Discussion May 3 2014



Lakshmi is the Hindu Goddess of wealth (both spiritual and material), prosperity and good fortune. Her name is derived from the Sanskrit word Laksme which means goal, and refers to the goal of life which includes worldly as well as spiritual prosperity. In Hindu mythology she is also called ‘Shri’ and is the Divine spouse or consort of Vishnu. She provides him with the wealth for the maintenance and preservation of this creation.

Mythology: Lakshmi was the daughter of the Maharishi Bhrigu and she took refuge in the ocean of milk when the Gods were sent into exile. During the churning of the Milky Ocean, which was a joint effort by both Gods and demons to bring forth the Nectar of Immortality, Lakshmi reappeared. She was so beautiful and all of the Gods fell in love with her. Shiva had already taken the Moon, Bramha had already taken Saraswati, so her hand was given to Vishnu, whom Lakshmi herself preferred. She is a Goddess of Light, beauty, good fortune and wealth. Diwali, the Festival of Light, is a special time of worship for her.

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Astrological Info: Lakshmi is the Overlord for Venus. Venus is the planet which rules the Zodiac Signs of Taurus and Libra.

Day: Lakshmi and Venus are both worshiped on Friday

Moon Phases:

Full Moon – Pray for money and abundance;

12th Waning Moon – Pray for increased diplomacy, skill in negotiating win-win solutions and good judgments in choices about time, money, energy, greater comfort and happiness

Hora: Venus

Nakshatras: Bharani, Purva Phalguni, Purva Ashada (these are all stars ruled by Venus)

Consort: Vishnu, the Preserver

Vehicle: Horse, Elephant

Incense: AstroVed’s Friday Incense for Venus

Gemstone: Diamond

Colors: Pink and Gold or Silver


Website mentioned on call:

Suggestion: create a free account at AstroVed and run your own Vedic Birth Chart via the Reports Section and follow along with suggestions in the club session. See previous Vedic Astrology Club recordings for how to run this Report. Please email questions to Valli at valli@pillaicenter.com See information for our call next Saturday on the Events page.