
This is the recording of our Vedic Astrology Club call which occurred on Saturday November 16, 2013.

Thank you to all the participants and to Rani and Bhairavi, our guest speakers.

Blessings of Vishnupati for Wealth

Vishnupati occurs 4 times a year, when the Sun enters a “fixed” Zodiac sign (Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio). During this window of time, it is easier to access Vishnu’s blessings for wealth as the “fixed” Zodiac signs are more stable and thus more supportive of wealth creation. The Moon entered Scorpio today (Nov. 16 in USA), making it the last Vishnupati of 2013 and in addition, we have a Full Moon this weekend which is also auspicious for wealth.

Articles on Agastiyar.org site about which has some Siddha revelations about Vishnupati: http://www.agasthiar.org/a/vishnupathi/

Mantra to use for attracting wealth creation aspect of Vishnu:
Om Namo Narayanaya Vidh Mahe

Vasudevaya Dhi Mahi

Tanno Vishnu PrachodayatMantra to use for accessing prosperity blessings from Lakshmi during Full Moon: 

Shreem Brzee 


Kala Bhairava

Today we start a series of presentations on Kala Bhairava, Lord of Time in this Universe.


This MP3 file is a little over one hour long, and it may take a few moments to load to play. We will continue to ask participants in future to use *6 to mute themselves when they are not speaking.

Call Recording:
Website mentioned on the call:

Suggestion: create a free account at that site and run your own Vedic Birth Chart via the Reports Section and follow along with suggestions in the club session. See previous Vedic Astrology Club recordings for how to run this Report.

Please email questions to Valli at valli@pillaicenter.com

See information for next week’s call on Saturday on the Events page